Important Resources
Phone and website resources for individuals and their families seeking help
Phone Numbers:
Action Canada Access Line:1-888-642-2725
AIDS and Sexual Health Infoline: 416-392-2437
Assaulted Women’s Helpline: 416-863-0511 (TTY: 416-364-8762); Long-distance toll-free: 1-866-863-0511 (TTY: 1-866-863-7868)
David Kelley Lesbian & Gay Counselling: 416-416-595-9618
Fem'aide: 1-877-Fem-aide (1-877-336-2433); ATS: 1-866-860-7082
Kids Help Phone / Jeunesse, J’écoute: Phone 1-800-668-6868
Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line: Text 647-694-4275; Phone 1-800-268-9688
Multicultural Women Against Rape: 416-597-1171
Planned Parenthood of Toronto: 416-961-0113
Springtide Resources: 416-968-3422
Teen Health Source by Planned Parenthood Toronto: Text 647-933-5399; Phone 416-961-3200
The 519 Victim Assistance Program: 416-392-6874
Toronto Rape Crisis Centre Crisis Line: 416-597-8808
Sexual Assault Care Centre: 416-323-6040
Sexual Health Infoline Ontario/Ligne d'info de santé sexuelle de l'Ontario: 416-392-2437; Long-distance toll-free 1-800-668-2437
Unison Health and Community Services: Oakwood-Vaughan 647-798-0441; Lawrence Heights 416-787-1661; Bathurst-Finch 647-436-0385; Jane-Trethewey 416-645-7575; Keele-Rogers 416-653-5400; Pathways to Education 416-787-6800 ext. 5245
Women’s College Hospital Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Care Centre: 416-323-6040