Meet the New Board of Ernestine's 2023/24

To ensure that Ernestine's Women's Shelter has strong governance to support its mission, we are proud to announce the newest cohort of Board members. Our new Board continues to represent our richly diverse community, and brings outstanding professional skills and experience to the organization.

Like our shelter’s namesake, these accomplished individuals embody the characteristics to which our shelter aspires and are community minded, collaborative, supportive and dedicated. Perhaps most importantly, these Directors have also had personal experience with many of the same challenges faced by Ernestine’s clients, including being survivors of gender-based violence, poverty, substance use, racism and other systemic oppressions.

Ernestine’s is honoured that Hero Landry will continue in the role as Board Chair and looks forward to her leadership working towards our united goal of eliminating violence from the lives of Women, Two-Spirit, Trans, Non-binary and Gender Diverse individuals and their children.

Ernestine’s welcomes the stewardship of the Executive Committee and all of its Board of Directors:

To read the full bios or learn more about how you can join the board or one of our committees please visit our meet the board page.


Adam’s Story


Important Resources