
Your gift will make a big impact for the families who depend on Ernestine’s services.

Your gift will make a big impact for the families who depend on Ernestine’s services.

Ways to Give

A woman embracing two children and smiling.

Monthly Giving

One hand passing a piece of paper to another hand.

One Time Donations

Image of a graph on a computer with a black background.

Stocks and Securities

A large group of people at an event.

Host Your Own Event

Monthly Giving

Monthly Giving benefits both donors and Ernestine’s by creating a reliable and lasting partnership in support of a particular cause. To learn more about the benefits and impact of monthly giving read our post, The Power of Monthly Giving.

One Time Donations

One-time donations provide flexibility for donors who may not want to commit to ongoing contributions.

Stocks and Securities

Donating stocks and securities is a philanthropic approach that allows individuals to contribute to Ernestine’s while potentially enjoying tax benefits.

Host Your Own Event

By hosting your own event you not only help raise funds but you also help build a sense of community, create awareness, and allow for personal and creative expression in support of Ernestine’s cause.

For more information please contact Emily McClung, Engagement and Volunteers Manager: